Wednesday, December 17, 2008


People always are waiting for times such as these to show love to others and to set up visions and target for their lives. I love one song by a musician who i am not fond of but she always gets my sympathy when i hear that song "don't save it all for christmas day, find a way to show a little love everyday."

That is very true, if we show a little love everyday this world will be a better place but we always save it up for christmas.

A man lost his job and was very sick at that time from the circumstances surrounding his loss of job. He had a friend who was well to do enough to help this sick man but didnot. During a family meeting with his wife and kids about what to do for christmas, the daughter suggested he paid his sick friend's hospital bill as his christmas gift to the sick friend.

Unfortunately, the night before christmas, his friend who was sick at home passed away. His christmas gift was never to be. What if we could do that little everyday, wouldn't we move forward together.

In another vain, peoples' christmas list a made up of people the know very well and people they know will give them something back even if not this year, the next year or in the course of the year. That i am sorry to say is not giving, it is bating. Bating someone to give you something by doing it first.

We need to share the things we have with those who don't have so that the world will be a little bit more balanced. What can you give to someone who has that will be of value, it is the act itself not the thing. what difference will what you give make in the person's life?

To he who has not, whatever you give is worthy of being received and valued and treasure. whey wait till christmas, why wait that long enough till you gift is not needed.

Just give a little Love everyday.

Merry Christmas!

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